
Connecticut Carpet Cleaning


Frequently Asked Questions

How many technicians should I expect to see at my home?

The number of technicians we dispatch to your home depends on the size of the job. We dispatch one technician for a relatively simple service and up to three technicians for a more complicated or large-scale service.

How soon can I expect a technician to arrive at my home?

We dispatch a technician to your home at your earliest possible convenience. However, the exact arrival time depends on the availability of technicians in your immediate area. We usually dispatch a Connecticut Carpet Cleaning team member on the same day you call or the next day.

Do you guarantee the services and work performed by Connecticut Carpet Cleaning?

All of our professional cleaning services come with a 30-day guarantee. If you find yourself unhappy or unsatisfied by the work provided by our Connecticut Carpet Cleaning technicians, call us and we will schedule a re-do service at the earliest possible time.

Where is Connecticut Carpet Cleaning located?

We serve all Connecticut neighborhoods and surrounding areas. We dispatch all our technicians from our nearest location to you.

Do you provide drop-off or pick-up service for area rugs?

At present, we do not have customer drop-off services available. When you need a rug cleaning service, our technicians come to your home, pick up the rug and deliver it clean to your home at no additional cost.

How long will it take for my carpet, rug or upholstery to dry completely?

Recommended and normal drying time ranges due to the type of cleaning method performed, room temperature, air movement and humidity level. We generally suggest between 6-24 hours of dry time.

Do you use non-toxic products?

Yes. We firmly believe in the protection of your health and that of the environment. We refuse to use any chemical-based, harmful product on any of your home furnishing, carpets or area rugs.

We use only certified green products approved by the EPA and other environmental protection agencies and watch dogs.

Get Your Free In-Home Cleaning Test Today

We provide free, no-obligation, estimates for all of professional cleaning and repair services at your home.

Or Simply Call US at(203) 204-2475

Marcelo Sanchez, Bridgeport

In the past, I never thought much of professional cleaning, especially for my rugs. But, you guys really did such a good job, I almost couldn't believe it. My rugs look great and smell fresh. I am so impressed.